General Practice
We aim to provide appointments that are tailored to your needs. Some patients will prefer a video
appointment some a face to face. We can also organise a visit to discuss your health needs in the
comfort of your home. Where needed, some investigations such as bloods can be performed there
and then. We understand that getting results quickly provides the reassurance and information
which you need. If further imaging is needed this can be provided locally. We will discuss the pros
and cons of any investigations with you to ensure you know why each test is needed and how it will
help with either diagnosis or monitoring.
If onward referral is needed we have excellent contacts in Essex, London and the wider UK to ensure
that you see the specialist most suited to your condition.
Initial Assessment
This is where we explore why you are coming to see us. We will discuss the history of what is worrying you. When it started, how its affecting you and any other symptoms. We will discuss your family history and other related medical conditions in order to build up clearer picture of the condition at hand
Further Investigation
Some conditions will need further investigations. An examination perhaps, blood tests or some imaging. These will be organise in the appointment or will take place shortly afterwards.
The Plan
Once we have all of the information needed we can discuss a plan together. This may be reassurance about a condition, mindful watching, a prescription or onward specialist referral.
More of our services
Health Screening
Minor Surgery
Travel Clinic
Weight Loss Injections